How to Make Yummy Roti Sarang Lebah
Roti Sarang Lebah . You can have Roti Sarang Lebah using 23 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Roti Sarang Lebah You need of Bahan A. You need of air suam. You need of sudu besar gula. It's of sudu besar susu pekat. Prepare of sudu kecil yis (1 bungkus/11gm). You need of Bahan B. Prepare of biji telur. Prepare of tepung roti/high protein flour. It's of tepung roti/high protein flour. Prepare of tepung gandum. Prepare of sudu besar mentega. Prepare of Bahan. It's of biji kuning telur. You need of susu segar kotak atau bancuh (Satukan dan kocak rata. Prepare of Kuaci. Prepare of Almond flakes. It's of Bijan. You need of Sos Butterscotch. You need of susu cair atau susu segar kotak. It's of gula perang. It's of sudu besar tepung. You need of sudu kecil esen v...